Accueil > Zone d'administration > BibSword client Admin Guide |
BibSword client enables you to forward a record from Invenio to any remote server that has an interface implementing the SWORD protocol. The aim of the BibSword client module is to simplify and to speed up the submission process of a digital report. Basically, the fulltext and the metadata are automatically taken from the record stored on Invenio. For more flexibility, they can be manually added and modified during the forwarding process.
For reasons of conveniency, it is enoying to ask user already authencticated on Invenio to log in a remote server before forwarding a record. This problem is solved by using the "mediated deposit" function discribed by the SWORD protocol specification.
The mediated deposit function allows any user to forward a document in the name of the author. The solution was then to create a global user that is always used to connect to the remote server. This user submit the record "on behalf of" the real author of the file. So the user do not even need to have an account on the remote server.
Because of this function, users are allows to submit what they want as soon as they know the global user. To avoid users to do everything they want, the access of the BibSword client module is restricted to a group of user named "bibsword_curator". However, users can forward their own record through the WebSubmit workflow that already manage the record access right.
When a record is forwarded to a remote SWORD server, it goes through several well-defined states:
For each states, an information is stored on the MARC file of the submitted record:
By default, BibSword client send the fulltext and the metadata stored on Invenio.
It also allows to select the fulltext to forward and even to upload new fulltext. If a new fulltext is uploaded, it is stored in the Invenio record fulltext as a "Pushed_via_Sword" file.
To access the Admin Web interface, please go to BibSword Client Admin Interface. Note that you first have to be logged with a user of the group "bibSword_curator".
<This interface allows to:
The main BibSword Admin Interface shows a table containing information about every forwarded record.
Field | Definition | Link |
Remote server | id and name of the remote server where the record has been submitted | Go to the information table where to find credential and link to the remote server |
Submitter | username and email of the user that made the submission | None |
Report number | database id and report number of the forwarded record | Go to the record information page on Invenio |
Remote id | id given by the remote server | Go to the record page on the remote server |
Status | the status of the forwarded record (submitted, published or removed) | None |
Date | Date of each state changes of the submitted record | None |
Links | Link to fulltext, metadata and status information URL | Media: consult, modify, add and delete fulltext Metadata: consult, modify, add and delete metadata Status: Get an XML atom entry containing the status of the record |
The record are display in order of state change date. The moste recent change first and the less recent change last. To consult a none displayed record, navigate between pages using the "Prev" - "Next" and the "First" - "Last" buttons.
You also can select another amount of displayed record on the same page by changing the displayed record number.
Each time the submission state table is loaded, the BibSword client module check each displayed record in status "submitted" to know if their status has been changed to "published" or to "removed".
To minimize the table loading time, the default amount of displayed record is set to 10.
However it is possiblie to select another number of displayed field. (5 - 10 - 25 - 50 - all)
In some unusual cases, a "published" record can be removed from the SWORD remote server. In this case, the status of the submitted record is not automatically updated. To update "published" record, clic the "Refresh all" button. It will check the status of every forwarded record in each remote server.
The forwarding of record from the admin interface is done through four different formular. Each of them has a precise purpose and is generated dynamically according to the record and the remote server informations.
To forward a record, clic the "New Submission" button from the BibSword Admin Interface.
Alternatively, you can access to the SWORD forward interface from any record information page by clicking the "Push to Remote Server" located on the toolbar bellow the record information box. Note that on this case, you are directly redirect to the step two of the forward process.
Fields of the formular are the following:
Both fields are mandatory. If you forgot one of them or if you give an unexisting report number, an error message will be displayed and you will be invited to give all information correctly.
You can abort the submission by pushing the "cancel" button and be redirected to the BibSword Admin Interface.
Step 2/4: Select the remote server collectionThe second step displays information about the selected remote server as well as the implemented version of sword and the maximum size of file to forward. At this point, it is possible to modify the remote server and the record by pushing "Modify server".
The pupose of this step is to select the remote collection. The collection contains the URL where to sent information to the remote server.
Fields of the formular are the following:
Most of the remote server has a collection called "test". This colleciton is very usefull to check the correct function of the implementation of a remote server. When a record is sent to the "test" collection of a remote server, the SWORD remote interface will act exactly the same as with a normal forward but without to save the record.
You can abort the submission by pushing the "Cancel" button and be redirected to the BibSword Admin Interface.
Step 3/4: Select Remote CategoriesThe third step display information about the Remote Server as well as information concerning the selected collection. At this point, it is possible to modify the remote server and the record by pushing "Modify server". It is also possible to modify the selected Remote Collection by pushing "Modify collection".
This step allows to select remote categories. Categories are used for two purposes:
Fields of the formular are the following:
If you forget to select a mandatory category, a message will be display and you will be invited to give a mandatory category.
You can abort the submission by pushing the "Cancel" button and be redirected to the BibSword Admin Interface.
Step 4/4: Select fulltext and check metadataThe last step contains many boxes, one for each following pupose:
Mandatory field are display with a * after the field label. Il one mandatory field is missing or not well formed, an error message specifying the wrong field will be display and you will be invited to enter a correct value.
You can abort the submission by pushing the "Cancel" button and be redirected to the BibSword Admin Interface.
Once a record is submitted to a Remote Server, many action are launched:
Once a record has been submitted, it is not directly published on the remote server. It needs to be accepted by the remote mandator. To informe the user of the publication of the record, the remote server sent him an Email containing the link to the record and the password to be able to do any modification. This email is also sent to the SWORD Invenio user.
To add a new remote server, following actions has to be done:
The swrREMOTESERVER table contains credential and link information about any SWORD remote server.
Field | Definition | Type |
id | unique identification key of the table | int(15) unique primary_key |
name | name of the remote server (e.g.: arXiv) | varchar(50) unique |
host | URL where to send the authentication request (e.g.: | varchar(50) unique |
username | username of the global user allows to connect to the SWORD remote interface | varchar(50) |
password | password of the global user allows to connect to the SWORD remote interface | varchar(50) |
email address where the remote server will send the acknowlegment | varchar(50) | |
realm | name of the space where to authenticate on remote host (e.g.: SWORD at arXiv) | varchar(50) |
url_base_record | base URL where the record are stored (usually followed by the remote record id) | varchar(50) unique |
url_servicedocument | URL where to GET the remote servicedocument | varchar(50) |
xml_servicedocument | Full servicedocument XML file | logblog |
last_update | Timestamp of the last GET on the servicedocument. If > than 1 hour, the servicedocument is reset from the remote server. That is used to speed up the process. | varchar(50) unique |