تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
المصطلح الخاص بالموضوع
Food Assistance for Assets (FFA)
ملاحظة عامة
For content on WFP’s key tools for providing food assistance to the most vulnerable households and communities using food and cash-based transfers. The content will address how FFA programmes help people meet immediate food needs by filling a food gap in the short-term through the provision of cash, vouchers and/or in-kind food assistance. The content including factsheets, brochures and good practices will outline how FFA programmes allow targeted vulnerable groups to free up their time to construct useful and long-lasting assets or engage in the activities to increase their resilience to shocks and stressors, like droughts or flood or conflict: soil and water conservation, land rehabilitation, establishment of community and social infrastructure etc."