Annual Country Report 2022: Angola. Country Strategic Plan 2020-2023
ELR 1296
Annual Country Report 2022: Angola. Country Strategic Plan 2020-2023
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2022.
English English
51 p.
2022 was the fifth consecutive year of drought for some areas in the southwest of Angola. Poor harvests, depleted food reserves, and limited income opportunities put a heavy burden on the livelihoods of many families in the affected areas, with 850,0001 people still in need of food assistance at the end of the year. To support populations in need, WFP had to significantly scale up its presence in the south and adjust its Interim Country Strategic Plan, introducing new crisis response activities. Limited resources continued to be a challenge throughout the year, constraining WFP activities in the most affected areas. WFP supported vulnerable populations through commodity vouchers, targeted supplementary feeding programmes, and school feeding. At the same time, WFP continued assisting refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo residing in the north of Angola. In 2022, 90 percent of households in the Lovua refugee settlement were still relying on food assistance as their main source of food. In addition to general distributions, WFP started an asset creation programme aimed at encouraging agricultural production in the settlement. WFP assisted 73,000 people in 2022. While the number of beneficiaries was significantly lower than planned, mainly due to insufficient funding, it was ten times higher than in 2021. Many beneficiaries resided in distant areas with poor roads and infrastructure, and WFP worked with the National Civil Protection Commission and retailers to ensure the transportation of commodities to the targeted areas.
Electronic ed.
Signatura topográfica
ELR 1296
System Control No.
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