Annual Country Report 2020: Angola. Country Strategic Plan 2020-2020
ELR 1768
Annual Country Report 2020: Angola. Country Strategic Plan 2020-2020
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2020.
37 p.
With the new ICSP, WFP began to provide technical assistance to the Government, while continuing to support refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the province of Lunda Norte. WFP started active engagement and cooperation with national and sub-national public institutions on a range of areas including school feeding, vulnerability analysis and early warning, as well as addressing micronutrient deficiencies and acute malnutrition. Supporting the Ministry of Agriculture, WFP launched a country-wide mobile vulnerability assessment and mapping (mVAM) exercise that will provide critical information on the dynamics of food security in the country and inform the necessary response interventions. The refugee assistance in Lunda Norte (north-east of the country) continued amid a 66 percent decrease in the number of beneficiaries due to the repatriation of refugees to DRC in 2019 and the beginning of 2020. WFP maintained its support by providing critical food assistance to 6,698 women, men, girls and boys. With partners, WFP worked to ensure that all beneficiaries, irrespective of their race, gender and age, have access to protection and complaints and feedback mechanisms. Nutrition education and screening for malnutrition continued to be provided for the refugees by World Vision.To guarantee the safety of beneficiaries at the time of the global COVID-19 pandemic, WFP adjusted its standard operating procedures to comply with health protocols and minimize the risks of spreading the virus, in line with corporate guidance, by enhancing COVID-related messaging and sensitisation, reducing the frequency of distributions by providing rations covering a longer period to minimise gatherings at food distribution points, and ensuring the use of personal protective equipment at distribution sites. WFP supported national counterparts in their response to the 2019-2020 drought in the south and to the COVID-19 pandemic through the provision of technical assistance on vulnerability analysis and mapping, nutrition, and supply chain management.
Electronic ed.
Signatura topográfica
ELR 1768
System Control No.
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WFP Taxonomy