Annual Country Report 2019: Armenia. Country Strategic Plan 2018-2019
ELR 1770
Annual Country Report 2019: Armenia. Country Strategic Plan 2018-2019
Mention d'impression
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2019.
Note sur les langues
27 p.
In the first half of 2019, WFP achieved over 90 percent of all planned strategic outputs and outcomes under its flagship activity in Armenia – the school feeding programme. WFP had a single strategic outcome; it was designed to strengthen the Armenian Government’s capacity to deliver locally-sourced and nutritious school meals, and to ensure that all primary school children have access to safe, adequate and nutritious food by 2023. By facilitating the distribution of nutritious meals to around 62,000 students, kitchen helpers and their household members, WFP has significantly furthered progress towards the goal of Zero Hunger under Sustainable Development Goal 2. Under the progressive handover of its school feeding programme to the Government, WFP introduced its “transitional model” in Aragatsotn province. Support for kitchen rehabilitation and equipment enabled 90 percent of the schools in the province to provide hot lunch meals to students every day. Furthermore, the transition to cash transfers in the province allowed for the diversification of the menu from six to twenty commodities, simultaneously boosting the local economy through the purchase of locally grown or produced food. WFP’s involvement has contributed significantly to maintaining a high level of school enrolment and retention in the province, as well as improving healthy eating habits of the young students. Throughout its implementation, the programme has evolved from a narrow school-feeding approach towards a more comprehensive set of development interventions. The school feeding programme has become a platform for investment in human capital and the promotion of healthy eating outside the schools.
Electronic ed.
ELR 1770
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WFP Taxonomy