Annual Country Report 2019: Armenia. Country Strategic Plan 2019-2024
ELR 1770.2
Annual Country Report 2019: Armenia. Country Strategic Plan 2019-2024
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2019.
Language Note
31 p.
The Armenian Government is committed to the full nationalization of WFP's school feeding programme. Concrete steps, such as the transition from food to cash transfers, investment in school infrastructure and the direct transfer of programme management, have all facilitated the gradual handover of the WFP programme. The school feeding programme – currently introduced in five of Armenia’s ten provinces - has now been incorporated into the national budget. WFP will be extending its school feeding programme to the remaining five provinces, towards the objective of a full handover to the Government by 2023. Furthermore, WFP is expanding technical support to the Government through a second strategic outcome under the CSP. WFP will work to strengthen national policies, programmes and systems to improve food security and nutrition among targeted groups by 2024. From July to December 2019, WFP provided over 50,000 primary school children in grades 1-4 with lunch meals in five out of ten provinces. The remaining five provinces have been handed over to the Government gradually in the last few years. WFP also provided new cook-books and conducted 17 trainings/workshops whereby cooks and kitchen helpers were trained on nutrition, food safety and food preparation. A total of 7,320 cooks and kitchen helpers supporting the preparation and distribution of meals in the schools received take-home rations as compensation for their efforts. Through the school feeding activity, WFP achieved over 84 percent of its target, using 76 percent of the planned funds.
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ELR 1770.2
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