      recid = {127341},
      title = {Annual Country Report 2020: Armenia. Country Strategic  Plan 2019-2024},
      publisher = {World Food Programme,},
      address = {Rome (Italy):},
      pages = {45 p.},
      year = {2020},
      note = {Electronic ed.},
      abstract = {While 2020 was a particularly challenging year for  Armenia, it also proved WFP's ability to rapidly adapt and  respond to a fast-paced, changing environment.  Key events  affecting WFP’s work involved adapting the school feeding  programme to the impact of COVID-19. For the first time  after three decades, WFP also provided food assistance  across Armenia to the most vulnerable affected first by the  pandemic and later by the conflict  in the adjoining region  of Nagorno-Karabakh.   In total, WFP doubled its support,  compared to 2019, reaching around 130,000 beneficiaries,  distributing almost 2,000 mt of food and transferring  approximately USD 600,000 to those most in need. WFP also  delivered in the country more than 125,000 units of  life-saving medical and Personal Protective Equipment  (PPE). The year 2020 demonstrated how WFP  development-oriented interventions such as school feeding  and food system support proved to be resilient to shocks  continuing uninterrupted despite the many challenges. WFP’s  development operations also acted as buffers to shocks,  alleviating the impacts on food security and poverty of  affected populations. As part of the school feeding  programme's nationalisation, WFP supported the Government  to renovate school kitchens and canteens. Upon completion  of renovation works WFP provides the schools with the full  set of kitchen equipment to enable schools to prepare hot,  diversified and nutritious meals and to insure programme’s  sustainability for upcoming years. In 2020 alone, 92  schools were rehabilitated. WFP supported the Government  with general food assistance in the form of in-kind food  rations covering family’s basic food needs to 10,400 highly  vulnerable people, while responding to the health emergency  with the provision of life-saving medical and personal  protective equipment. From 27 September, when tensions in  the adjoining region of Nagorno-Karabakh escalated, WFP  Armenia worked to support spontaneous arrivals with food  assistance. Dry food rations were supplied to 11,000  individuals in urgent need inside Armenia for two months.},
      url = {http://wfp.tind.io/record/127341},