Annual Country Report 2018: Egypt. Country Strategic Plan 2018-2018
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2018.
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32 p.
As a strategic partner of the Government, WFP continued to complement the national school feeding programme, reinforcing the value of education and helping avert issues such as child labour, early marriage, and irregular migration. WFP provided locally produced school snacks to 2.15 million school children in community and public schools from January–June 2018, helping achieve an attendance rate of 94 percent in community schools. Furthermore, through a holistic approach, WFP supported education enhancement through various initiatives: the renovation of school facilities; training of teachers’; and the provision of livelihood trainings and micro-loans for students’ families, with a focus on schools in under-privileged areas and those hosting refugees. In May 2018, WFP launched the ‘First 1,000 Days’ nutrition programme in a first-of-its-kind partnership with three ministries: the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS), the Ministry of Health and Population, and MoSIT. The ‘First 1,000 Days’ programme helped improve the nutritional status of targeted pregnant and lactating women through cash assistance redeemable for nutritional items from local retailers and garnered the support of private sector partners through social behavioural change communication interventions. Acknowledging the benefits of the ‘First 1,000 Days’ interventions, MoSS aims to streamline the programme into the national social protection system.