Annual Country Report 2019: Egypt. Country Strategic Plan 2018-2023
ELR 1837
Annual Country Report 2019: Egypt. Country Strategic Plan 2018-2023
Mention d'impression
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2019.
Note sur les langues
55 p.
Contributing to social protection, WFP supported capacity strengthening for the National School Feeding Programme through policy work with the Ministry of Education. In parallel, WFP provided nutritious in-school snacks, and conditional take-home entitlements, reaching about 2.6 million children and family members. Additionally, WFP expanded its Community Hubs initiative to 7 governorates, offering an innovative platform for rural development, knowledge-sharing and integrated services. Through this pioneering programme, about 2,000 schools and 4,000 education personnel gained access to online learning platforms. Similarly, WFP’s livelihoods programme enabled over 50,000 women to increase their incomes by 30-50 percent through micro-projects, helping secure adequate food and education for their children. Moreover, WFP contributed to national priorities for women and girls' empowerment through education, and prevention of malnutrition through the First 1,000 Days Programme, among other initiatives. On the humanitarian front, WFP implemented the ‘One Refugee Policy’ to include the most vulnerable and food-insecure refugees in Egypt regardless of their nationality. This allowed WFP to extend assistance to an additional 24,000 refugees of 7 different nationalities, reaching a total of 101,000 refugees through general food assistance. WFP also provided nutrition assistance to 4,000 pregnant and lactating refugee women and vocational trainings to 1,000 Syrian refugees and host community members for enhanced livelihoods. WFP assisted around 25,000 Bedouins living in remote areas in border governorates, through food assistance-for-assets activities. WFP also helped strengthen the resilience of about 90,000 vulnerable smallholder farmers in Upper Egypt, through an integrated package of interventions that support adaptation to climate change, enhanced agricultural productive capacities and diversified livelihoods.
Electronic ed.
ELR 1837
System Control No.
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Termes Géographiques
WFP Taxonomy