Annual Country Report 2023: Algeria. Country Strategic Plan 2019-2024
ELR 2204
Annual Country Report 2023: Algeria. Country Strategic Plan 2019-2024
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2023.
Language Note
56 p.
In 2023, WFP served its beneficiaries mostly with in-kind general food assistance, distributing more than 2,000 metric tons of commodities per month. More than 40,000 school children in the camps received nutritious mid-morning snacks while 8,600 pregnant and breastfeeding women (PBW) and girls received monthly cash-based transfers (CBT) to diversify their diets and thereby contribute to anemia prevention. WFP also provided special nutritious food to treat and prevent moderate acute malnutrition and anemia among PBW and children aged 6-59 months. WFP strengthened the development of an integrated resilience approach, combining environmental and social responses to the needs in the camps. WFP provided agricultural training to beneficiary families and the community, resulting in the reactivation of gardens at family regional and school levels. In addition, green fodder production plots were restarted. Resilience building activities in camps aim to improve local food production and increase access to fresh produce within the community through adopting an integrated food system approach that considers elements of livelihood enhancement, climate change adaptation, environmental protection, and impact sustainability. As resources allowed, WFP distributed a monthly food basket of 2,216 kcal per day and per capita, which was adjusted to beneficiary preferences throughout the year. However, due to challenges with contributions, including delays in the later half of 2023, WFP was forced to apply reductions on the rations beneficiaries received. A 25 percent reduction was made on barley, rice and lentils and a 37.5 percent on fortified wheat flour for the months of November and December.
Electronic ed.
Call Number
ELR 2204
System Control No.
Primary Descriptors
Secondary Descriptors
Geographic Terms
WFP Taxonomy