Annual Country Report 2023: Timor-Leste. Country Strategic Plan 2023-2025
ELR 2279
Annual Country Report 2023: Timor-Leste. Country Strategic Plan 2023-2025
Mention d'impression
Rome (Italy): World Food Programme, 2023.
Note sur les langues
51 p.
During the first year of its new Country Strategic Plan (CSP 2023-2025) in Timor-Leste, WFP focused on laying the groundwork for success in improving food security and nutrition. This involved advancing strategic engagements with the newly established IX Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste, and shifting to a more enabling role aimed at reducing hunger with nutrition-sensitive and climate-smart programmatic approaches. WFP made notable progress in advancing school feeding, with the overarching goal of strengthening the Government’s capacity. This included modernizing school kitchens, handing over kitchen equipment to the Government, training hundreds of stakeholders on school feeding, and crafting school lunch menus which use local ingredients unique to each municipality. In particular, WFP's collaboration with the Government on the school feeding manual has benefited hundreds of thousands of school-aged children, marking a significant milestone towards better health and educational outcomes. WFP continued addressing the persistent nutrition challenges in Timor-Leste by expanding rice fortification and rolling out social and behavior change communication initiatives. As the country continues to grapple with the threats of climate change, WFP worked to strengthen the Government’s emergency preparedness and response capacity. A critical milestone was WFP’s support to the Government in designing a roadmap for anticipatory action - this aims to ensure that assistance can be delivered to affected people in emergencies as fast and effectively as possible.
Electronic ed.
ELR 2279
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