@article{strategic:129040, recid = {129040}, title = {Colombia country strategic plan (2017 - 2021)}, publisher = {World Food Programme (WFP),}, address = {Rome (Italy):}, pages = {11 v.}, year = {2017}, note = {Electronic ed.}, abstract = {WFP’s strategy in Colombia is based on the premise that supporting the Government in reaching Sustainable Development Goals 17 and 2, while contributing to other goals, will achieve an inclusive peace. WFP’s work towards the following five strategic outcomes will include capacity strengthening and the provision of food and cash transfers: Local governments and civil society have strengthened capacities to implement accountable programmes that contribute to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition. Victims of violence, marginalized communities and ethnic populations have adequate access at all times to nutritious foods and diversified diets, and are enabled to establish or improve their livelihoods. Communities and families have strengthened capacities to prevent malnutrition, leaving nobody behind in marginalized urban and remote rural areas. Smallholder farmers enhance their production and marketing capacities sustainably. Ethnic rural communities in vulnerable areas have increased capacity to recover from shocks and adapt to climate change.}, url = {http://wfp.tind.io/record/129040}, }