Analysis of Refugee Vulnerability in Uganda. Working Paper: January 2020
ELR 2580
Analysis of Refugee Vulnerability in Uganda. Working Paper: January 2020
Mention d'impression
Kampala (Uganda): Government of Uganda/WFP/UNHCR, 2020
Note sur les langues
213 p.
This report is based on comprehensive research in refugee settlements in Uganda, carried out by Development Pathways on behalf of the World Food Programme, the Government of Uganda and United Nation’s High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). The team is grateful for the support of WFP staff in Kampala and Field Offices and of the staff of WFP implementing partners in the refugee settlements. We also received invaluable support
from the Ugandan Government’s Department of Refugees under the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) in Kampala as well as from the OPM Commandants in the settlements. We
are grateful for input from the Project Steering Committee, including representatives of WFP, UNHCR, DFID, USAID and ECHO. Finally, the research would not have been possible
without the assistance of the refugees working as facilitators, interpreters and enumerators in the settlements, or the many refugees who took time to share their
experiences with us during the research.
ELR 2580
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